AI First

As the importance of AI raises day by day, this series of events aims to inspire and create the next generation of Deep Learning and Machine Learning engineers and guide the attendees and teach them the skill they need to create impactful solutions with AI.

Events List

AI 101

Event Link

Pathway: AI First

Level: Introductory

Language: Darija/English

Type: Virtual

Speaker: Taha Bouhsine @tahabsn @skywolfmo

When you hear AI, what is the first thing that comes to your mind?

A load of Math.

It is just a bunch of if and else.

Well, fear not traveler!

Join us and get rid of all those myths.

Discover the wide range of solutions you can create with AI and Machine Learning.

You will learn how to implement your first AI model using google’s teachable machine with 0 code.

Learn about AI before it learns things about you!

