Competitive Programming

Prepare our attendees to participate in international competitive programming competitions by providing them with different challenges, courses, and events about the algorithmic thinking they need to compete.

Events List

Algorithms and Python 101

Event Link

Pathway: Competitive Programming

Level: Introductory

Language: Darija/English

Type: Virtual

Speaker: Taha Bouhsine @tahabsn @skywolfmo

Content Creator: Abdelfattah hilmi @abdelfattah-hilmi

Join us on our first technical events on a gentle introduction to algorithms and Python. You don’t need to have any prerequisites in any programming language as we will start from scratch.

This series of events aims to build a strong foundation in Python and algorithmic thinking which attendees will find useful in future use cases.

GDSCUIZ Algorithms with Python

Algorithms and Python 101

Event Link

Pathway: Competitive Programming

Level: Introductory

Language: Darija/English

Type: Virtual

Speaker: Abdelfattah hilmi @abdelfattah-hilmi

What do Youtube, Instagram, and Reddit all have in common?

Well, it might come to you as a surprise, but their codebase is heavily reliant on Python.

But first, before building the next Youtube platform, you got to start from the foundational basics.

Join us this weekend and learn one of the handiest languages, build a strong foundation that will be crucial for the coming events.

Fasten your seatbelts, and enjoy the ride!

GDSCUIZ Python Basics
